Saturday, March 28, 2009

Grouse doggies

Ruby is becoming more and more articulate by the day, but sometimes it's a race between her burgeoning verbal skills and the growing complexities of her ideas. She's starting to get the hang of clauses (!I know!) and uses words and phrases like:
"when" (When you bite it, you eat it)
"hardly" (You can hardly see the donuts!)
"because" (Ruby crying because she have tears in her eyes)
"I wonder..." (I wonder if Coco is hiding)

But on the other hand, she'll screw up simple things like:
"Touch his ball eyes" (our poor cat's eyeball)
"It be loud. It able be loud"
"Thirsty about water kefir"
"Careful be!"

Usually, she's the narrator of my life, and keeps me grounded in facts. "That is a door. You open it with a key." I have to agree.

Sometimes it's just all nonsense. "Whoa, there goes doach." Or my favorite so far, "My hat is full of grouse doggies."


Blogger Melinite said...

Joanne-Let me know if you want company on any of your walks these days. Corbin and I need to get out of the house more. :)

12:04 PM  
Blogger Joanne said...

Oh, I would love to walk with you and Corbin! I'll call you next time I'm out and about.

12:13 PM  

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